When you are whole, you are no longer in lack – and that’s when the magic happens.

What did Joe Dispenza mean by:

When you are whole, you are no longer in lack – and that’s when the magic happens.


The quote, “When you are whole, you are no longer in lack – and that’s when the magic happens,” is a profound statement on the concept of self-fulfillment and personal growth. It suggests that when one feels complete or ‘whole’ within themselves, they no longer feel a sense of deficiency or inadequacy, and this is when remarkable things start to happen.

The idea of being ‘whole’ refers to a state of inner self-sufficiency where one is not seeking validation, approval, or fulfillment from external sources. It is about achieving a state of self-contentment and acceptance. When you reach this state, you are no longer in ‘lack’ – you are not missing anything, you are not seeking anything. You are complete and content within yourself.

The ‘magic’ referred to in this quote is the positive transformation that takes place in one’s life when they achieve this state of wholeness. This could be in the form of personal growth, improved relationships, better health, or increased success in one’s career. When one is not driven by lack or deficiency, they are free to pursue their authentic desires and passions, thereby attracting positive outcomes in their life.

In today’s fast-paced, competitive world, many people are driven by a sense of lack – a feeling that they are not good enough, not successful enough, not attractive enough, etc. This constant striving for external validation can lead to stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction.

Applying this quote in today’s context, it encourages us to focus on personal development and self-growth. Instead of seeking fulfillment from external sources, we should focus on nurturing our inner self, accepting our flaws and strengths, and striving to become the best version of ourselves. This shift in mindset can lead to a more peaceful, fulfilling, and successful life.

In practical terms, this could mean investing time in activities that promote self-awareness and self-improvement, such as meditation, yoga, reading, learning new skills, or seeking therapy. It could also mean setting healthy boundaries in relationships, pursuing a career that aligns with one’s passion, and taking care of one’s physical health.

In summary, the quote is a reminder that the key to a fulfilling and successful life lies within us, not outside. When we feel whole and complete within ourselves, we are no longer driven by lack, and this is when we can truly thrive and experience the ‘magic’ of life.

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