Even the most honest writer lets slip a word too many when he wants to round off a period.

What did Friedrich Nietzsche mean by:

Even the most honest writer lets slip a word too many when he wants to round off a period.


This quote suggests that even the most honest writer may occasionally use more words than necessary, particularly when they are trying to complete a sentence or thought. This overuse of words could be due to a desire to make the sentence more aesthetically pleasing, to add emphasis, or to ensure their point is fully understood. Nietzsche is highlighting the human tendency to over-explain or overstate things, even when we’re trying to be as truthful and straightforward as possible.

This concept can be applied in many areas of life today, particularly in the realm of communication. In our information-saturated society, there’s a tendency to over-communicate, often leading to confusion or misinterpretation. This is seen in the corporate world, where emails and reports are often filled with unnecessary jargon and verbosity. It is also evident in social media, where users often over-share information.

In terms of personal development, this quote could serve as a reminder to strive for clarity and simplicity in communication. It encourages us to be mindful of our words, to express our thoughts as succinctly as possible, and to avoid over-explaining or over-complicating things. It also suggests the importance of being honest with ourselves about our communication habits and tendencies, and to continually work on improving these for better personal and professional relationships.

In essence, Nietzsche’s quote is a call for brevity, honesty, and simplicity in our written and verbal expressions. It’s a reminder that sometimes, less is more.

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