Look where you are going because you will inevitably go where you are looking.

What did Emmet Fox mean by:

Look where you are going because you will inevitably go where you are looking.


“Look where you are going because you will inevitably go where you are looking” is a metaphorical quote that emphasizes the importance of focus, direction, and intention in achieving one’s goals. It suggests that our attention and focus determine our direction in life and ultimately, our destination. Where we direct our gaze, our thoughts, and our energy is where we will end up.

This quote can be understood on multiple levels. On a literal level, it’s akin to when you’re driving a car or riding a bike – if you’re looking to the right, you’ll naturally start steering to the right. Similarly, in life, if you’re constantly focusing on negative thoughts or fears, you’re likely to steer your life in that direction.

On a deeper level, this quote speaks to the power of intention and the law of attraction. It suggests that by focusing our thoughts and energy on what we want to achieve, we can attract those circumstances into our lives. This is not to say that simply looking at a goal will make it come true, but rather that sustained focus, attention, and action towards that goal will move us closer to it.

In today’s world, this idea is highly relevant. We live in an age of constant distraction, where our attention is often fragmented across multiple tasks and screens. This quote serves as a reminder to be mindful of where we are directing our focus. If we are constantly looking at our phones, for instance, we may miss out on important moments in our real lives.

In terms of personal development, this quote underscores the importance of setting clear, focused goals. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re unlikely to get there. By clearly defining your goals and keeping your focus on them, you’re more likely to achieve them. It also highlights the power of positive thinking and visualization in achieving those goals. By visualizing our desired outcome, we can align our actions and decisions with that vision, and thus, steer our lives in the direction we want to go.

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