Photography is and is not a language; language also is and is not a photography. Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024January 15, 2024, William J. Mitchell, Language, Photography, 0 - William J. Mitchell Copy
Dr Weiss, at forty, knew that her life had been ruined by literature. - Anita Brookner Novelist · United Kingdom
God is great. God is faithful. And His love is set upon us. We come as we are, with trembling trust. - Sandra McCracken Singer-songwriter
If you are doing things the same way as two years ago, you are almost certainly doing them wrong. - John Harvey-Jones Businessman · United Kingdom
I think cheating can inherently mean a deeper problem, someone is acting out. - Sutton Foster Actress · USA
The man who is in real danger is the man who thinks he is perfectly safe. - James M. Barrie Playwright · Scotland
I’m pretty sure there’s no sexuality that justifies constant low-level harassment. - Mallory Ortberg Writer
The main thing I want to do is make people feel more connected and more active. - Dan Deacon Composer