Success is the doing, not the getting – in the trying, not the triumph.

What did Zig Ziglar mean by:

Success is the doing, not the getting – in the trying, not the triumph.


Success is the ⁢doing, not the getting – in the trying, not the triumph” ​essentially ⁤means that true success lies in the process, not in the​ result. It emphasizes the importance of ‌the journey over the destination. In other words, it’s⁢ not about the material rewards or recognition one achieves, but about⁢ the effort, perseverance,⁣ and⁣ dedication one puts into their work or goal.

The ‘doing’​ and​ ‘trying’ represent action, effort, and ⁣perseverance. They highlight ‌the value of taking ⁣initiative, pushing boundaries, and consistently striving to do better. This perspective‍ encourages us to view ​success as a continuous journey⁤ of learning and growth, rather​ than a finite ⁣destination characterized by a specific achievement or reward.

On ⁤the other hand, ‘getting’ and ‘triumph’ symbolize the end⁤ result‌ or reward. While these can provide temporary satisfaction, ​they ⁤do not ‍necessarily reflect the amount‌ of effort ‌or growth ⁤involved in the ⁤process. ⁣By focusing solely on these aspects, we risk overlooking the valuable lessons ⁤and experiences gained along the way.

In today’s fast-paced world, where instant gratification is​ often sought,‌ this idea is particularly relevant. It reminds us to value perseverance, resilience, ​and personal⁣ growth over⁢ immediate​ rewards or recognition. It teaches us to find fulfillment in our efforts and to view ⁣challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than obstacles to success.

In terms of personal‌ development, ⁣this concept encourages us to focus on​ our progress and⁤ personal growth, rather than ⁣comparing our achievements to those of others. It motivates us to set​ personal ‌goals and strive to improve, rather than seeking validation or approval ⁢from ‍external sources. By adopting this mindset, we can become more ⁢resilient, self-reliant, and satisfied with our‌ personal‌ journey, leading to a more fulfilling and successful ‌life.

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