What did Zig Ziglar mean by: Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission. - Zig Ziglar Motivational speaker · USA Copy
+ You are the only person in existence who can use your potential. It is an awesome responsibility. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Zig Ziglar, Existence, Responsibility, 0 - Zig Ziglar Motivational speaker · USA
+ You don’t drown by falling in water. You only drown if you stay there. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Zig Ziglar, Meaningful, Success, 0 - Zig Ziglar Motivational speaker · USA
+ You must first put something into your life before you can get something out of it. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Zig Ziglar, 0 - Zig Ziglar Motivational speaker · USA
+ The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now Explain Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Zig Ziglar, Happiness, Leadership, 0 - Zig Ziglar Motivational speaker · USA
+ Children pay more attention to what you do than to what you say. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Zig Ziglar, Attention, Children, Pay, 0 - Zig Ziglar Motivational speaker · USA
+ Winning leaders are almost always motivated when the chips are down. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Zig Ziglar, Leader, Motivated, Winning, 0 - Zig Ziglar Motivational speaker · USA
+ It’s a great day! And if you don’t think it’s a great day, just try missing one. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Zig Ziglar, Great Day, Missing, 0 - Zig Ziglar Motivational speaker · USA
+ Success is the doing, not the getting – in the trying, not the triumph. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Zig Ziglar, Success, Triumph, 0 - Zig Ziglar Motivational speaker · USA
For me, a writer is already being the deuce of his mission, his occupation to society. - Wole Soyinka Playwright · Nigeria
Every highly successful person is a maniac on a mission. Too much agreement kills a chat - Eldridge Cleaver Writer · USA
The Church exists by mission, just as a fire exists by burning. - Emil Brunner Theologian and professor of systematic theology · Switzerland
The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world more open and connected. - Mark Zuckerberg Entrepreneur
The thing that I really care about is the mission, making the world more open and connected. - Mark Zuckerberg Entrepreneur