What did William James mean by: I will act as if I do make a difference. - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA Copy
No one sees further into a generalization than his own knowledge of detail extends. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, William James, Details, Generalization, 0 - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA
+ If it works, it’s true. Feraz Zeid, September 3, 2023December 25, 2024, William James, Pragmatism, Truth, Validity, 0 - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA
Give your dreams all you’ve got, and you’ll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you. Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024January 15, 2024, William James, Basketball, Dream, Perseverance, 0 - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA
+ With mere good intentions hell is proverbially paved. Feraz Zeid, June 5, 2023December 25, 2024, William James, Consequences, Intentions, Proverbs, 0 - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA
+ Truth in our ideas means their power to work. Feraz Zeid, August 4, 2023December 25, 2024, William James, Ideas, Power, Truth, 0 - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA
+ Begin to be now what you will be hereafter. Feraz Zeid, August 21, 2023December 25, 2024, William James, Future, Preparation, Transformation, 0 - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA
The world is all the richer for having a devil in it, so long as we keep our foot upon his neck. Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024January 15, 2024, William James, Devil, Feet, 0 - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA
In order to disprove the assertion that all crows are black, one white crow is sufficient. Feraz Zeid, January 15, 2024January 15, 2024, William James, Black, 0 - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA
We are valued in this world at the rate we desire to be valued. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Being right is less important to us than the freedom to be wrong. Explain - Jean Rostand Biologist · France
They can’t stop you if, in your heart, you seek enlightenment, empowerment, balance and knowledge. Explain - Frederick Lenz Philosopher · USA
The value of a man can only be measured with regard to other men. Explain - Friedrich Nietzsche Philosopher · Germany
True abundance isn’t based on our net worth, it’s based on our self-worth. - Gabrielle Bernstein Motivational speaker
After a cruel childhood, one must reinvent oneself. Then reimagine the world. - Mary Oliver Poet · USA
THE JOURNEY IS FROM HERE TO HERE. AND THE ONLY TIME YOU CAN ARRIVE IS NOW. - Leonard Jacobson Spiritual teacher and author