What did Willa Cather mean by: More than him has done that, said Antonia sadly, and the girls murmured assent. Willa Cather Author Copy
When the eyes of the flesh are shut, the eyes of the spirit are open. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Willa Cather, Awareness, Perception, Spirituality, 0 Willa Cather Author
The summer moon hung full in the sky. For the time being it was the great fact of the world. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Willa Cather, Nature, Temporality, Wonder, 0 Willa Cather Author
+ Hunger is a powerful incentive to introspection. Author, June 24, 2023January 2, 2025, Willa Cather, Hunger, Incentive, Introspection, 0 Willa Cather Author
+ Oh, this is the joy of the rose;That it blows,And goes. Author, June 24, 2023January 2, 2025, Willa Cather, Beauty, Nature, Transience, 0 Willa Cather Author
The dead might as well try to speak to the living as the old to the young. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Willa Cather, Communication, Generation gap, Perspective, 0 Willa Cather Author
+ The voice is a wild thing. It can’t be bred in captivity. Author, November 1, 2023January 2, 2025, Willa Cather, Authenticity, Expression, Freedom, 0 Willa Cather Author
+ A burnt dog dreads the fire. Author, July 29, 2023January 2, 2025, Willa Cather, Avoidance, Fear, Trauma, 0 Willa Cather Author
I don’t want anyone reading my writing to think about style. I just want them to be in the story. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Willa Cather, Storytelling, 0 Willa Cather Author
Sorrows are like thunderclouds, in the distance they look black, over our heads scarcely gray. Jean Paul Writer · Germany
If we love (the poor) people, we want to identify with them and share with them. Jean Vanier Philosopher and theologian
Love’s pleasure lasts but a moment; love’s sorrow lasts all through life. Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian Poet · France
Solidarity was the movement that turned the direction of history, I think. Jeane Kirkpatrick Political scientist and diplomat