What did Walter Darby Bannard mean by: Part of history is facts. The other part is what we find easier to believe. Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA Copy
+ Art is there for nourishment, not explication. Author, June 27, 2023January 2, 2025, Walter Darby Bannard, Inspiration, Interpretation, Nourishment, 0 Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
+ Art is not ‘about.’ Art is. Author, June 2, 2023January 2, 2025, Walter Darby Bannard, Creativity, Expression, Interpretation, 0 Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
+ The first duty of intelligence is to recognize the obvious. Author, August 22, 2023January 2, 2025, Walter Darby Bannard, Duty, Intelligence, Recognition, 0 Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
+ When you ‘break all the barriers’ you get a pile of rubble. Author, September 17, 2023January 2, 2025, Walter Darby Bannard, Consequences, Destruction, Limitation, 0 Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
If art depended on content, then one painting of an apple would be as good as the next one. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Walter Darby Bannard, Interpretation, Subjectivity, Value, 0 Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
The power of art is not in communication but effect; what it does, not what it relates. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Walter Darby Bannard, Experience, Impact, Interpretation, 0 Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
+ Making art is like swimming underwater in a blindfold. Author, July 14, 2023January 2, 2025, Walter Darby Bannard, Creativity, Exploration, 0 Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
We must turn away from work that replaces experience and pleasure with explanation. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Walter Darby Bannard, Experience, Pleasure, Work, 0 Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
A heap of epithets is poor praise: the praise lies in the facts, and in the way of telling them. Read explanation Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Leadership is much more an art, a belief, a condition of the heart, than a set of things to do. Max De Pree Business leader/CEO · USA
Crimes of which a people is ashamed constitute its real history. The same is true of man. Jean Genet Playwright · France
Before the end of Time will be the end of History. Before the end of History will be the end of Art. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Philosopher · Germany