What did Vernon L. Smith mean by: Hayek, in my view, is the leading economic thinker of the 20th century. - Vernon L. Smith Economist Copy
I will work to bring peace to everyone – whatever economic level – as long as you are Haitian. - Jean-Bertrand Aristide Politician · Haiti
Banks should contribute to the real economy, make a positive contribution to economic growth. - Jeroen Dijsselbloem Politician · Netherlands
We need to put in place an economic system of governance for the euro-zone. - Francois Fillon Former Prime Minister of France · France
Municipal networks expand economic opportunities. We’ve got to open new doors, not slam them shut. - Frank Lautenberg Former United States Senator
Each of us has a natural right, from God, to defend his person, his liberty, and his property. - Frederic Bastiat Economist · France
The Tories win elections when they lead on economic competence. - Maurice Saatchi Advertising executive · Iraq
The underlying intellectual argument for seeking to tax economic rents retains its force. - Mervyn King