Nobody who says, ‘I told you so’ has ever been, or will ever be, a hero.

What did Ursula K. Le Guin mean by:

Nobody who says, ‘I told you so’ has ever been, or will ever be, a hero.


This quote suggests that individuals who take pleasure in others’ failures, or who use those failures as a chance to affirm their own correctness, are not heroic. The phrase “I told you so” is often used in a smug or self-satisfied manner, when someone’s warning or advice has been proven right after being ignored. According to Le Guin, this is not a characteristic of a hero. A hero, in her view, would likely offer assistance, empathy, or understanding in such a situation, rather than taking the opportunity to boost their own ego.

Delving deeper, this quote can also be seen as a commentary on humility and compassion. Heroes are often thought of as selfless, putting others’ needs before their own. By saying “I told you so,” a person is focusing on their own wisdom or foresight, rather than on the other person’s feelings or situation. This lack of empathy and understanding is contrary to heroic behavior.

In today’s world, this idea is highly applicable. In an era where social media and online platforms often encourage gloating, one-upmanship, and schadenfreude, Le Guin’s words serve as a reminder to choose kindness and understanding over self-satisfaction. It encourages us to help others learn from their mistakes, rather than using those mistakes to prove our own superiority.

In terms of personal development, this quote could be seen as a call to cultivate empathy and humility. It suggests that personal growth comes from understanding and helping others, rather than from proving oneself right. It encourages us to focus on how we can positively impact others and learn from our interactions with them, rather than using those interactions to boost our own ego. In essence, it reminds us that true heroism lies in our actions and attitudes towards others, rather than in our personal achievements or correctness.

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