What did U Thant mean by: The world will not Change and find peace if there is not a new education. U Thant Diplomat · Burma Copy
+ As a Buddhist, I was trained to be tolerant of everything except intolerance Author, December 23, 2023December 29, 2024, U Thant, Buddhism, Intolerance, Tolerance, 0 U Thant Diplomat · Burma
+ Governments, systems, ideologies come and go, but it is humanity which remains. Author, December 23, 2023December 28, 2024, U Thant, Governments, Humanity, Systems, 0 U Thant Diplomat · Burma
+ The war we have to wage today has only one goal, and that is to make the world safe for diversity. Author, December 23, 2023December 29, 2024, U Thant, Diversity, Safety, War, 0 U Thant Diplomat · Burma
+ Respect for the truth comes close to being the basis for all morality. Read explanation Author, December 23, 2023December 29, 2024, U Thant, Morality, Respect, Truth, 0 U Thant Diplomat · Burma
The real function of art is to change mental patterns … making new thought possible. Jean Dubuffet Artist · France
Fine and delicate taste is the fruit of education and experience. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres Painter · France
The course of a river is almost always disapproved of by the source. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France