What did Tzvetan Todorov mean by: People who believe themselves to be the incarnation of good have a distorted view of the world. Tzvetan Todorov Literary theorist · Bulgaria Copy
Art reminds us that in fact the world always exceeds our grasp and perception. Read explanation Jeremy Begbie Theology · United Kingdom
I believe that while art is always beyond morality, it is never above it. Read explanation Jennifer Stone Actress · USA
Perception is a prism, and reality is like shot silk – depends where the light hits. Jennifer Stone Actress · USA
Never accept other people’s limited perceptions of you. Define yourself. You can do anything. Jeanette Jenkins Fitness
When reason and instinct are reconciled, there will be no higher appeal. Jean-Philippe Rameau Composer · France
Those people who treat politics and morality separately will never understand either of them. Read explanation Jean-Jacques Rousseau Philosopher · Switzerland
Change the story and you change perception; change perception and you change the world. Jean Houston Scholar