The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck.
This quote suggests that luck is not a random or magical force, but rather the result of careful preparation meeting the right opportunities. In other words, luck is not something that just happens to us. Instead, it is something we can cultivate through diligent preparation and a keen awareness of the opportunities around us.
The phrase “meeting of preparation with opportunity” implies that both elements are equally important. Preparation refers to the hard work, learning, and skills we acquire over time. It is the groundwork we lay for success. On the other hand, opportunity refers to the favorable conditions or situations that arise in our lives. It is the right moment or circumstance that allows our preparation to bear fruit.
The quote implies that without preparation, opportunity is wasted, and without opportunity, preparation is futile. Only when these two meet can the “offspring” – luck, be born. Hence, it suggests that luck is not purely chance but a product of our own making.
In today’s world, we are often faced with a multitude of opportunities, thanks to the internet and globalization. But to make the most of these opportunities, we need to be prepared. This could mean acquiring new skills, expanding our knowledge, or even developing the right mindset. In personal development, this could translate to continuously learning and growing, staying open to new experiences, and being ready to seize opportunities when they come our way.
For instance, consider an aspiring entrepreneur. They might spend years developing their business skills, studying market trends, and refining their product ideas. When an investment opportunity arises, they are ready to present their well-prepared business plan to potential investors. This meeting of preparation with opportunity could result in the “luck” of securing the necessary funding for their startup.
Thus, the quote encourages us to actively shape our own luck by preparing ourselves and being ready to seize opportunities. It is a call to action, urging us not to passively wait for luck but to create it ourselves.