Prohibition may be a disputed theory, but none can say that it doesn’t hold water.

What did Thomas Lansing Masson mean by:

Prohibition may be a disputed theory, but none can say that it doesn’t hold water.


This quote is a clever play on words that refers to the concept of prohibition, which is the act of forbidding or banning something by law. The phrase "hold water" is a common idiom that means to be valid, sound, or stand up to scrutiny. Therefore, "Prohibition may be a disputed theory, but none can say that it doesn’t hold water" suggests that while the concept of prohibition might be controversial or disputed, it is nonetheless a valid or sound theory.

This quote can be applied to a multitude of situations. For example, it could be used in debates about the prohibition of certain substances, such as drugs or alcohol. While there are many arguments for and against these prohibitions, it can’t be denied that they have some valid points. For instance, prohibition might help to reduce the harm caused by these substances, protect public health, and decrease crime rates.

Furthermore, this quote could also be applied in the context of personal development. It suggests that even if a certain action or behavior is disputed or controversial, it doesn’t mean that it’s not valid or beneficial. For instance, someone might dispute the value of waking up early in the morning, arguing that it’s not necessary for productivity or success. However, this doesn’t mean that the practice of waking up early doesn’t hold water. There are many successful people who swear by this habit, and there is a significant body of research suggesting that it can indeed boost productivity and overall well-being. Thus, despite the dispute, the theory holds water.

In conclusion, this quote serves as a reminder that we should not dismiss ideas or practices simply because they are disputed or controversial. Instead, we should examine them critically and objectively, and recognize that they may still hold water despite the controversy surrounding them.

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