This quote suggests that the day-to-day operations of a nation, such as maintaining infrastructure, implementing policies, or managing finances, are not particularly challenging to someone who has experience in these areas. In other words, once a person has gained sufficient knowledge and expertise in handling such matters, they can navigate through them with relative ease.
Jefferson’s statement underscores the importance of experience and knowledge. It implies that complexities can be managed effectively if one is well-versed with the subject matter at hand. The ‘ordinary affairs’ here could be seen as tasks or problems which seem daunting initially but become manageable once we gain experience in dealing with them.
Applying this idea to today’s world or personal development would suggest that any task – no matter how complex it seems – becomes easier when we have prior experience or deep understanding about it. For instance, running a business might seem overwhelming at first due to various aspects like finance management, human resource management etc., but as one gains more hands-on experience by dealing with these issues over time – they become part of ‘ordinary affairs’.
In terms of personal development too this principle holds true. Any new skill may appear difficult initially but over time and practise it becomes second nature to us. This could range from learning a musical instrument to public speaking or even coding.
Therefore Jefferson’s quote serves as an encouragement for continuous learning and gaining practical experience – emphasizing that what seems difficult today will eventually become an ordinary affair tomorrow through persistence and practise.