What did Thomas a Kempis mean by: The end of all is death and man’s life passeth away suddenly as a shadow. - Thomas a Kempis Monk and writer · Germany Copy
+ We usually know what we can do, but temptation shows us who we are. Feraz Zeid, December 22, 2023January 10, 2024, Thomas a Kempis, Be Who You Are, Temptation, 0 - Thomas a Kempis Monk and writer · Germany
+ Wherever you go, you will always bear yourself about with you, and so you will always find yourself. Feraz Zeid, December 22, 2023January 10, 2024, Thomas a Kempis, Finding yourself, 0 - Thomas a Kempis Monk and writer · Germany
+ Have therefore zeal to better thyself and then mayst thou have zeal to thy neighbor. Feraz Zeid, December 22, 2023January 10, 2024, Thomas a Kempis, Diversity, Justice, Neighbor, 0 - Thomas a Kempis Monk and writer · Germany
+ Whoever strives to withdraw from obedience, withdraws from grace. Feraz Zeid, December 22, 2023January 10, 2024, Thomas a Kempis, Grace, Obedience, Strive, 0 - Thomas a Kempis Monk and writer · Germany
+ All men are frail; but thou shouldst reckon none so frail as thyself. Feraz Zeid, December 22, 2023January 10, 2024, Thomas a Kempis, Frail, Frailty, 0 - Thomas a Kempis Monk and writer · Germany
+ Always be thou prepared, and so live that death may never find thee unprepared. Feraz Zeid, December 22, 2023January 10, 2024, Thomas a Kempis, Death, 0 - Thomas a Kempis Monk and writer · Germany
+ First keep peace with yourself, then you can also bring peace to others. Feraz Zeid, December 22, 2023January 10, 2024, Thomas a Kempis, Peace, Tranquility, 0 - Thomas a Kempis Monk and writer · Germany
+ Carry the cross patiently, and with perfect submission; and in the end it shall carry you. Feraz Zeid, December 22, 2023January 10, 2024, Thomas a Kempis, Patience, Perfect, Submission, 0 - Thomas a Kempis Monk and writer · Germany
Since the day of my birth, my death began its walk. It is walking toward me, without hurrying. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
After the writer’s death, reading his journal is like receiving a long letter. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
If some persons died, and others did not die, death would be a terrible affliction. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Death never takes the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go. - Jean de La Fontaine Poet · France
I’m not afraid of death. It’s the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life. - Jean Giraudoux Playwright · France
Death is the next step after the pension-it’s perpetual retirement without pay. - Jean Giraudoux Playwright · France
Death holds no horrors. It is simply the ultimate horror of life. - Jean Giraudoux Playwright · France