Our best work is done, our greatest influence is exerted, when we are without thought of self.
Swami Vivekananda’s quote is a profound reflection on the nature of selflessness and altruism. It suggests that when we are able to transcend our own needs, desires, and ego, we are able to perform at our highest potential and make the most significant impact on others. In essence, it is when we put aside our personal agendas and self-interests that we can truly excel in what we do and influence others positively.
This concept can be seen as an extension of the idea of ‘flow’ – a state of complete immersion in an activity where one loses their sense of time and self. When one operates without thought for oneself or any expectation for reward or recognition, they are often more focused, creative, productive, and impactful.
In today’s world characterized by individualism and competition, this quote may seem counterintuitive. However, it holds relevance in various domains such as leadership roles where effective leaders often prioritize team interests over personal gains; in humanitarian work where individuals strive for societal welfare disregarding their own comfort; or even among artists who create not for fame but purely out of passion.
In terms of personal development too this principle holds value. For instance:
1) In relationships: When people act without expecting anything in return from their partner/friends/family members they foster stronger bonds based on unconditional love.
2) In careers: Employees who work with dedication driven by passion rather than just monetary rewards tend to be more satisfied with their jobs.
3) In mental health: Practicing mindfulness (being present without judgment or self-focus) has been shown to reduce stress levels.
Thus Swami Vivekananda’s words remind us that sometimes detaching from our own selves can lead us towards achieving excellence while also making a positive difference in other people’s lives.