What did Susanna Centlivre mean by: Look-ye, ’tis my Opinion, ev’ry Man cheats in his Way. And he is only honest, who is not discover’d. - Susanna Centlivre Playwright · England Copy
A Man that wants Money thinks none can be unhappy that has it. Feraz Zeid, January 3, 2024January 10, 2024, Susanna Centlivre, Unhappy, 0 - Susanna Centlivre Playwright · England
The intention of cheating no one lays us open to being cheated ourselves. Explain - François de La Rochefoucauld Writer · France
Being a blockhead is sometimes the best security against being cheated by a man of wit. Explain - François de La Rochefoucauld Writer · France
Treachery is more often the effect of weakness than of a formed design. Explain - François de La Rochefoucauld Writer · France
Bad marriages don’t cause infidelity; infidelity causes bad marriages. - Frank Pittman Psychiatrist · USA
One day I started cheating. After that, I started winning everything. - Wade Barrett Professional wrestler · England
If we don’t want the companies to cheat on us, we shouldn’t be cheating on them. - Michelle Singletary Financial columnist and author
Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into. Explain - Wayne Dyer Author · USA