What did Susan Sontag mean by: To paraphrase several sages: Nobody can think and hit someone at the same time. - Susan Sontag Writer · USA Copy
+ What pornography is really about, ultimately, isn’t sex but death. Feraz Zeid, January 3, 2024January 10, 2024, Susan Sontag, Death, Sex, 0 - Susan Sontag Writer · USA
+ Photographs objectify: they turn an event or a person into something that can be possessed. Feraz Zeid, January 3, 2024January 10, 2024, Susan Sontag, Events, Photography, 0 - Susan Sontag Writer · USA
+ I want to be able to be alone, to find it nourishing – not just a waiting. Feraz Zeid, January 3, 2024January 10, 2024, Susan Sontag, Solitude, Waiting, 0 - Susan Sontag Writer · USA
+ Sight is a promiscuous sense. The avid gaze always wants more. Feraz Zeid, January 3, 2024January 10, 2024, Susan Sontag, Sight, 0 - Susan Sontag Writer · USA
+ I was not looking for my dreams to interpret my life, but rather for my life to interpret my dreams. Feraz Zeid, January 3, 2024January 10, 2024, Susan Sontag, Dream, Follow Your Dreams, 0 - Susan Sontag Writer · USA
+ Photographs trade simultaneously on the prestige of art and the magic of the real. Feraz Zeid, January 3, 2024January 10, 2024, Susan Sontag, Art, Photography, 0 - Susan Sontag Writer · USA
+ People robbed of their past seem to make the most fervent picture takers, at home and abroad. Feraz Zeid, January 3, 2024January 10, 2024, Susan Sontag, Home, Photography, Travel, 0 - Susan Sontag Writer · USA
+ The problems of this world are only truly solved in two ways: by extinction or duplication. Feraz Zeid, January 3, 2024January 10, 2024, Susan Sontag, Extinction, 0 - Susan Sontag Writer · USA
O woman! thou wert fashioned to beguile: So have all sages said, all poets sung. - Jean Ingelow Poet · England
The vast sage desert undulates with almost imperceptible tides like the oceans. - Frank Waters Writer
The flame is not as bright to itself as it is to those it illuminates: so too the sage. Explain - Friedrich Nietzsche Philosopher · Germany
All my days have I grown up among the Sages and I have found naught better for a man than silence. - Gamaliel
The sage belongs to the same obsolete repertory as the virtuous maiden and the enlightened monarch. Explain - Mason Cooley Professor · USA
The true sage is not he who sees, but he who, seeing the furthest, has the deepest love for mankind. - Maurice Maeterlinck Playwright · Belgium
Though sages may pour out their wisdom’s treasure, there is no sterner moralist than pleasure. - Lord Byron Poet · England
In the world we live in, one fool makes many fools, but one sage only a few sages. - Georg C. Lichtenberg Physicist · Germany