The core of any family is what is changeless, what is going to be there──shared vision and values.

What did Stephen Covey mean by:

The core of any family is what is changeless, what is going to be there──shared vision and values.


This quote emphasizes the importance of shared vision and values in a family. The "changeless" aspect refers to these shared ideals, which are the bedrock or the core of any family unit. Regardless of the changes and challenges that life throws at a family, these shared visions and values remain constant, providing a sense of unity, direction, and purpose.

The shared vision could be understood as a common understanding or agreement about the family’s goals, ambitions, and the kind of life they aspire to lead together. This could range from broad concepts such as prioritizing education, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or being financially secure, to more specific goals like owning a home or traveling the world together.

Similarly, shared values are the moral or ethical principles that the family collectively upholds. These could include honesty, respect, kindness, hard work, or any other values that they deem important. These values often serve as a moral compass, guiding the family’s actions and decisions.

In today’s fast-paced world, this idea is more relevant than ever. Families are often pulled in different directions by various external factors like work, school, social obligations, etc. Amidst this chaos, a shared vision and values can provide a sense of stability and cohesion. They ensure that despite their individual pursuits, the family remains connected and aligned in their broader life goals.

In terms of personal development, understanding and aligning with your family’s vision and values can provide a clear sense of identity and purpose. It can guide your personal choices and help you make decisions that not only benefit you but also contribute to your family’s collective goals. Moreover, it can foster a sense of belonging and security, knowing that you are part of a unit that shares your ideals and supports your vision.

However, it’s also important to recognize that these shared visions and values should not limit individual growth or diversity within the family. They should serve as a unifying force, but also allow room for individual members to explore their unique paths and develop their own values.

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