What did Sophie Swetchine mean by: We must labor unceasingly to render our piety reasonable, and our reason pious. Sophie Swetchine Writer · Russia Copy
Friendship is like those ancient altars where the unhappy, and even the guilty, found a sure asylum. Author, January 3, 2024January 2, 2025, Sophie Swetchine, Comfort, Sanctuary, Support, 0 Sophie Swetchine Writer · Russia
As we advance in life the circle of our pains enlarges, while that of our pleasures contracts. Author, January 3, 2024January 2, 2025, Sophie Swetchine, Life, Pain, Pleasure, 0 Sophie Swetchine Writer · Russia
The chains which cramp us most are those which weigh on us least. Author, January 3, 2024January 2, 2025, Sophie Swetchine, Freedom, Limitations, Perception, 0 Sophie Swetchine Writer · Russia
There are not good things enough in life to indemnify us for the neglect of a single duty. Author, January 3, 2024January 2, 2025, Sophie Swetchine, Consequences, Priorities, Responsibility, 0 Sophie Swetchine Writer · Russia
In youth we feel richer for every new illusion; in maturer years, for every one we lose. Read explanation Author, January 3, 2024January 2, 2025, Sophie Swetchine, Illusion, Loss, Youth, 0 Sophie Swetchine Writer · Russia
Loving souls are like paupers. They live on what is given them. Author, January 3, 2024January 2, 2025, Sophie Swetchine, Dependence, Gratitude, Love, 0 Sophie Swetchine Writer · Russia
The injustice of men subserves the justice of God, and often His mercy. Author, January 3, 2024January 2, 2025, Sophie Swetchine, Injustice, Justice, Mercy, 0 Sophie Swetchine Writer · Russia
He who has ceased to enjoy his friend’s superiority has ceased to love him. Author, January 3, 2024January 2, 2025, Sophie Swetchine, Friendship, Love, Superiority, 0 Sophie Swetchine Writer · Russia
There is no art without intoxication. But I mean a mad intoxication! Let reason teeter! Delirium! Jean Dubuffet Artist · France
Everything must justify its existence before the judgment seat of reason, or give up existence. Friedrich Engels Philosopher, social scientist, and political theorist · Germany
The most reasonable man always manages, when he pulls the trigger, to become a dispenser of justice. Jean Genet Playwright · France