What did Sharon Salzberg mean by: You are capable of so much more than we usually dare to imagine Sharon Salzberg Meditation teacher Copy
+ What unites us as human beings is an urge for happiness which at heart is a yearning for union. Author, January 10, 2024January 6, 2025, Sharon Salzberg, Happiness, Humanity, Union, 0 Sharon Salzberg Meditation teacher
+ Even in the midst of devastation, something within us always points the way to freedom. Author, January 10, 2024January 6, 2025, Sharon Salzberg, Hope, Liberation, Resilience, 0 Sharon Salzberg Meditation teacher
+ Once someone appears to us primarily as an object, kindness has no place to root. Author, January 10, 2024January 6, 2025, Sharon Salzberg, Connection, Empathy, Respect, 0 Sharon Salzberg Meditation teacher
+ Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it. Author, January 10, 2024January 6, 2025, Sharon Salzberg, Awareness, Memory, Practice, 0 Sharon Salzberg Meditation teacher
+ In those moments when we realize how much we cannot control, we can learn to let go. Author, January 10, 2024January 6, 2025, Sharon Salzberg, Acceptance, Growth, Surrender, 0 Sharon Salzberg Meditation teacher
+ We use mindfulness to observe the way we cling to pleasant experiences & push away unpleasant ones. Author, January 10, 2024January 6, 2025, Sharon Salzberg, Attachment, Avoidance, Mindfulness, 0 Sharon Salzberg Meditation teacher
+ Even on the spiritual path, we have things we’ll tend to cover up or be in denial about. Author, January 10, 2024January 6, 2025, Sharon Salzberg, Denial, Self-awareness, Spirituality, 0 Sharon Salzberg Meditation teacher
+ What comes up is not nearly as important as how you relate to what comes up. Author, January 10, 2024January 6, 2025, Sharon Salzberg, Emotions, Importance, Relation, 0 Sharon Salzberg Meditation teacher
This art, born of genius and good taste, can become beautiful and varied to an infinite degree. Jean-Georges Noverre Choreographer · France
Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish. Jean de La Fontaine Poet · France
How painting surpasses all human works by reason of the subtle possibilities which it contains. Read explanation Leonardo da Vinci Painter · Italy
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. Michelangelo Artist · Italy