Networking that matters is helping people achieve their goals.
“Networking that matters is helping people achieve their goals” essentially means that the most effective and meaningful form of networking isn’t about simply expanding your circle of contacts, but rather it’s about actively assisting others in reaching their objectives. It shifts the focus from a self-centered approach to a more altruistic one.
The quote suggests that networking shouldn’t be viewed as a mere transactional activity where you only aim to gain something for yourself. Instead, it should be seen as an opportunity to provide value and support to others. In other words, your network’s value isn’t determined by its size but by how much you contribute towards helping its members succeed.
Applying this idea in today’s world or personal development can transform how we build and maintain relationships professionally and personally. For instance, in the professional context, instead of merely collecting business cards at events or adding connections on LinkedIn for our benefit, we could focus on understanding what those individuals are trying to achieve – their projects, passions or goals – and see if there are ways we can assist them.
This approach not only cultivates stronger relationships based on mutual support but also enhances our reputation as someone who adds value rather than merely taking it. This could lead to more opportunities coming our way because people tend to remember (and return) acts of assistance.
In terms of personal development, adopting this mindset helps us become less self-absorbed and more empathetic towards others’ needs and aspirations. It encourages us to develop skills such as active listening (to understand people’s goals) and problem-solving (to help them achieve these goals). These are valuable skills that can significantly improve both our personal life quality and professional success rate.
true networking is about making a positive impact on others’ lives by aiding them in accomplishing their dreams – an act that eventually circles back with benefits for ourselves too.