This quote implies that most people find it easier to engage in activities that are considered vices, as they often bring immediate pleasure or satisfaction, rather than exerting effort to cultivate virtues, which require discipline and long-term commitment. Vices are behaviors or habits generally considered immoral, sinful, or degrading in society. They could be anything from procrastination and laziness to more serious issues like substance abuse. On the other hand, virtues such as patience, kindness or diligence demand continuous work and self-control.
The laboriousness of virtues lies in the fact that they require consistent effort over time and do not usually offer instant gratification. For example, maintaining honesty may sometimes lead to uncomfortable situations in the short term but brings about trustworthiness and respect over time.
In today’s world of instant gratification where everything is available at a click of a button – be it food delivery or online shopping – this quote becomes even more relevant. It is easy for us to indulge in these ‘easy vices’ like binge-watching TV shows all night instead of practising ‘laborious virtues’ such as getting proper sleep for better health.
From a personal development perspective too, cultivating positive habits like regular exercise requires consistent effort while indulging in unhealthy food provides immediate pleasure but harms our health in the long run. Hence this quote can serve as a reminder for us to stop seeking short term pleasures through easy vices and start investing efforts into cultivating long-term beneficial virtues even if they seem laborious initially.
Therefore Johnson’s words still ring true today: we must strive against taking the easy path laden with fleeting pleasures (vices), instead choosing the harder road filled with enduring rewards (virtues).