When we talk about GOD, we’re like a school of fish, discussing the possible existence of the sea.

What did Rumi mean by:

When we talk about GOD, we’re like a school of fish, discussing the possible existence of the sea.


This quote by Rumi is a profound metaphor that reflects on our understanding and perception of God. It likens humans discussing God to a school of fish discussing the existence of the sea. The irony here is that the fish are completely surrounded by the sea, they live and breathe in it, yet they are questioning its existence. This is similar to humans who are immersed in the divine presence of God, yet question His existence.

Rumi is suggesting that God, like the sea, is all-encompassing, omnipresent, and an integral part of our existence whether we acknowledge it or not. We are so deeply entwined in the divine that we fail to realize its presence, just like fish fail to recognize the sea they are in.

In today’s world, this quote could be interpreted to mean that we often overlook the obvious or take for granted the things that are always around us. We question and doubt the existence of a higher power, yet we are surrounded by it and live within its influence. We are so caught up in our materialistic and superficial lives that we fail to recognize the divine presence in our lives.

From a personal development perspective, this quote encourages us to look beyond the obvious, to question our existence and purpose in the world, and to acknowledge the divine presence in our lives. It encourages introspection and self-awareness, urging us to be more conscious and appreciative of the divine presence that surrounds us. It also calls for humility, reminding us that we are a small part of a much larger, divine existence.

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