This quote speaks to the inner struggle that every individual faces – the struggle between our selfish desires and the need to be selfless for the good of others. The ‘selfish self’ that Rumi refers to is the aspect of our personality that prioritizes our own needs, desires, and ambitions over those of others. The ‘darkness’ is the negative impact this selfishness can have on our lives and on the lives of those around us – it can lead to conflict, misunderstanding, and isolation.
However, once we ‘conquer’ this selfish self, once we learn to put others before ourselves and act in a way that benefits the collective rather than just the individual, this darkness ‘changes to light’. This means that our actions and attitudes become positive and beneficial, leading to harmony, understanding, and connection.
In today’s world, this idea is more relevant than ever. We live in a time where individualism is often celebrated and encouraged. While this can lead to innovation and progress, it can also result in a lack of empathy and understanding for others. By conquering our selfish selves and prioritizing the needs of others, we can work towards a more compassionate and empathetic society.
In terms of personal development, this quote suggests that the path to personal growth and fulfillment lies in selflessness rather than selfishness. By prioritizing the needs of others, we can develop empathy, compassion, and understanding – qualities that enrich our own lives as much as they benefit those around us. This process of personal growth can also lead to a sense of fulfillment and happiness that selfish pursuits often fail to deliver.