Lovers find secret places inside this violent world where they make transactions with beauty.

What did Rumi mean by:

Lovers find secret places inside this violent world where they make transactions with beauty.


This quote suggests that​ in a world full of chaos, conflict, and violence, lovers can find hidden sanctuaries where they exchange experiences, ideas, and emotions that are beautiful ‍and serene. The "secret places" ⁣are‌ not necessarily physical locations,⁤ but rather emotional and mental ‌spaces that two ‌people⁤ in love⁤ create together. ​These places become their escape ⁢from the harsh realities of the world, their safe haven‍ where they can express⁤ their love, vulnerability, and emotions without fear or judgment. ⁢

The "transactions‍ with beauty" can be seen as‍ the mutual exchange ⁢of love, kindness, understanding, and care between two ​people. It’s ⁢about giving and receiving these beautiful aspects of love, which can be as simple as a shared smile,‌ a comforting hug, or a deep conversation.⁣

Applying this idea to today’s world,⁤ we ⁢live in⁤ an era filled with numerous challenges‍ and ‌conflicts. Amidst all these, ‌it’s ⁣essential to find our own "secret⁣ places" – be it with⁢ a loved​ one, family, or ⁤friends. These are our personal sanctuaries‍ that provide us⁢ with peace, ⁤comfort,​ and a sense of belonging.

In terms of personal development, this quote encourages us ​to cultivate relationships that allow ‌for these beautiful exchanges. It’s ​about seeking ​connections that offer ​emotional safety and understanding,‌ where we can be our authentic selves. Moreover, it also suggests that we should strive to create our own inner sanctuary, a place of peace‌ and tranquility within ourselves, where we can retreat to⁣ in times of distress. This can be achieved⁣ through practices like meditation, mindfulness, or simply spending quiet time alone.

In essence, this quote is a reminder that amidst the chaos ‍of the world, we​ can find and create spaces of beauty, love, and peace,⁣ both within ourselves and​ our relationships.

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