If you are wholly perplexed and in straits, have patience, for patience is the key to joy.

What did Rumi mean by:

If you are wholly perplexed and in straits, have patience, for patience is the key to joy.


This quote is a profound statement about the power of patience in the face of adversity. It suggests that when we find ourselves completely confused or in difficult situations, the best course of action is to remain patient. Patience, according to this quote, is the key to joy. This implies that joy is not necessarily found in the immediate resolution of our problems, but rather in the process of enduring them with patience.

The idea here is that patience can transform our experience of hardship. Instead of rushing to escape our difficulties, we can find a kind of joy in patiently enduring them. This is not a masochistic joy in suffering, but a joy that comes from the knowledge that our difficulties are temporary and that we are more than capable of overcoming them. Patience, in this context, is not passive resignation but active endurance. It is a form of courage that allows us to face our problems head-on, confident in our ability to overcome them.

In today’s fast-paced world, we often want quick solutions to our problems. We want things to be resolved immediately, and if they’re not, we become frustrated and stressed. But this quote reminds us that there is value in patience. It encourages us to slow down, to endure our difficulties with grace and dignity, and to find joy in the process of overcoming them.

In terms of personal development, this quote can be a powerful reminder to cultivate patience. It suggests that patience is not just a virtue, but a skill that can be developed and honed. And as we develop this skill, we may find that we are better able to handle the challenges that life throws our way. We may find that we are more resilient, more capable, and ultimately, more joyful. So, in a sense, patience can be seen as a form of personal growth and self-improvement. It’s a tool that can help us navigate the ups and downs of life with grace, dignity, and joy.

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