A Candle never Loses any of its Light while Lighting up another candle.

What did Rumi mean by:

A Candle never Loses any of its Light while Lighting up another candle.


The quote "A Candle never Loses any of its Light while Lighting up another candle" by Rumi is a powerful metaphor about the nature of giving and sharing. The candle here represents an individual. When a candle shares its light to ignite another, it doesn’t lose any of its own brightness. Instead, the darkness is further dispelled. This metaphorically suggests that when we share our knowledge, skills, or resources with others, it doesn’t diminish our own. Instead, it adds to the collective light, making the world a brighter place.

This idea has profound implications for personal development and societal progress. It encourages generosity, emphasizing that giving doesn’t lead to personal loss, but rather contributes to collective gain. Sharing our knowledge, for instance, doesn’t make us any less knowledgeable. Instead, it fosters a culture of learning and growth.

In today’s world, this concept is highly relevant. The digital age has made it possible for us to share ideas and resources on an unprecedented scale. Open-source software, for example, is built on this philosophy. Coders and developers around the world share their work freely, contributing to the collective ‘light’ of technological progress without diminishing their own abilities or resources.

Similarly, in the realm of personal development, this quote can be a guiding principle. It encourages us to be generous with our time, skills, and knowledge, fostering a growth mindset. By helping others grow, we not only contribute to their development but also enhance our own understanding and skills, thus creating a more enlightened and progressive society.

In essence, this quote is a call to action for each one of us to become a ‘candle’, to share our light without fear of losing it, and to contribute to a brighter world.

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