Nightingales are put in cages because their songs give pleasure. Whoever heard of keeping a crow?
Nightingales are put in cages because their songs give pleasure. Whoever heard of keeping a crow?
What did Rumi mean by:

Nightingales are put in cages because their songs give pleasure. Whoever heard of keeping a crow?

People often ask:
How can we recognize and nurture our unique talents without allowing ourselves to be confined by societal expectations?
In what ways can we foster appreciation for the ordinary in ourselves and others, rather than solely valuing exceptional qualities?
What boundaries should we establish to protect our individuality while sharing our gifts with the world?

This quote is a metaphorical expression that contrasts the value of beauty and mediocrity. The nightingale symbolizes something or someone gorgeous, desirable, or talented whose worth is recognized and appreciated by others.The cage represents restrictions or limitations put on these individuals because society wants to control and possess their unique qualities for personal pleasure.

Conversely, the crow symbolizes mediocrity or lack of exceptional qualities. No one desires to keep a crow because it doesn’t offer anything appealing enough to be controlled or possessed.

The quote implies that society often tends to exploit and confine talent, beauty, or uniqueness for its own benefit while disregarding what’s deemed ordinary.It also suggests that those who are extraordinary in some way may find themselves trapped by societal expectations and demands due to their gifts.

Applying this concept in today’s world can lead us towards various interpretations:

1) In terms of personal development: It encourages individuals not just to strive for excellence but also understand its potential consequences such as exploitation, excessive expectations, isolation etc.knowing this can help them create boundaries so they don’t lose themselves while sharing their talents with the world.2) In social viewpoint: This idea could be a critique on how society treats celebrities – admiring them for their talents but also imprisoning them in public scrutiny and expectation.

3) From an ethical viewpoint: It questions our values about what we choose to appreciate – do we only value things that serve our needs? Shouldn’t we appreciate crows (or people who are seen as ordinary) simply as they exist?

4) In terms of business: Companies frequently enough ‘cage’ talented employees by limiting their creativity within job descriptions while ignoring those who might have hidden potential (crows).

Rumi’s metaphor compels us not only to question societal norms around talent recognition but also introspect our own attitudes towards beauty and mediocrity.

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