What did Rosabeth Moss Kanter mean by: Thinkers, makers and traders are the DNA of the world class company Rosabeth Moss Kanter Sociologist Copy
+ One of the symptoms of a losing streak is a turnover of top executives. It’s a revolving door. Author, December 22, 2023December 28, 2024, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Leadership, 0 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Sociologist
+ A self-reinforcing upward spiral: performance stimulating pride stimulating performance. Author, December 22, 2023December 28, 2024, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Performance, Pride, 0 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Sociologist
+ I’ve found that small wins, small projects, small differences often make huge differences. Author, December 22, 2023December 28, 2024, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Impact, Progress, Success, 0 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Sociologist
+ Confidence is the bridge connecting expectations and performance, investment and results. Author, December 22, 2023December 28, 2024, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Expectations, Investment, Performance, 0 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Sociologist
+ It is crucial to recognize, reward, and celebrate accomplishments. Author, December 22, 2023December 28, 2024, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Reward, 0 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Sociologist
+ Power stems from ‘rainmaking,’ as law firms put it: the ability to bring resources into the company. Author, December 22, 2023December 28, 2024, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Power, Resources, 0 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Sociologist
+ Powerlessness corrupts: absolute powerlessness corrupts absolutely. Author, December 22, 2023December 28, 2024, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Absolute, Corruption, Power, 0 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Sociologist
+ Friendly people are caring people, eager to provide encouragement and support when needed most. Author, December 22, 2023December 28, 2024, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Encouragement, Friendship, Support, 0 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Sociologist
The highest thinkers of the ages, the seers of the tribes and the nations, have been optimists. Helen Keller Activist · USA
Considering yourself selflessly selfish is a principle of all great thinkers Phil Collins Musician · England