+ Stand up for your players. Show them you care on and off the court. Author, December 14, 2023December 29, 2024, Red Auerbach, Care, Empathy, Support, 0 Red Auerbach Basketball coach
+ Just do what you do best. Author, July 30, 2023January 2, 2025, Red Auerbach, Excellence, Focus, Skills, 0 Red Auerbach Basketball coach
+ I can’t stand a ballplayer who plays in fear. Author, September 4, 2023January 2, 2025, Red Auerbach, Confidence, Courage, Sportsmanship, 0 Red Auerbach Basketball coach
+ The best way to forget ones self is to look at the world with attention and love. Read explanation Author, December 14, 2023December 28, 2024, Red Auerbach, Compassion, Mindfulness, Selflessness, 0 Red Auerbach Basketball coach
+ All records are made to be broken. Author, September 28, 2023January 2, 2025, Red Auerbach, Achievement, Competition, Progress, 0 Red Auerbach Basketball coach
+ It’s not what you tell your players that counts. It’s what they hear. Author, December 14, 2023December 28, 2024, Red Auerbach, Communication, Perception, Understanding, 0 Red Auerbach Basketball coach
+ The Boston Celtics are not a basketball team, they are a way of life. Author, December 14, 2023December 28, 2024, Red Auerbach, Culture, Identity, Passion, 0 Red Auerbach Basketball coach
+ The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology. Author, December 14, 2023December 28, 2024, Red Auerbach, Autonomy, Confidence, Integrity, 0 Red Auerbach Basketball coach
To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. Read explanation Charlie Munger Business person
I succeeded in bewitching a fair number and in being intoxicated with my mistakes. Jean Cocteau Artist · France
I won’t undertake war until I have tried all the arts and means of peace. François Rabelais Author · France
The highest art of the chess player lies in not allowing your opponent to show you what he can do. Garry Kasparov Chessplayer · Russia