This quote suggests that a hero is not defined by the events happening around him, but rather, events are shaped by his actions and decisions. It’s a reversal of the common perception where we frequently enough think that our circumstances shape us. Rather, Emerson proposes that true heroes mold their circumstances.
The term “ancillary” implies something secondary or less meaningful. By saying “the event is ancillary,” Emerson means that what happens externally is less significant than the internal qualities of the hero – his character, values, and decisions.
“It must follow him” further underscores this idea. The hero doesn’t passively react to events; he actively influences them with his actions. He’s not a victim of fate or circumstance but instead shapes thes through his own will and determination.
In today’s world or personal development context, this quote can be interpreted as an encouragement for individuals to take control of their lives rather than being passive recipients of external circumstances. This coudl mean taking responsibility for one’s actions, making conscious choices about how to respond to situations rather than reacting impulsively or habitually.
As an example, if one faces adversity in life (like losing a job), instead of seeing oneself as a victim (a reactive stance), one could view it as an opportunity for growth and exploration (a proactive stance). Simply put: don’t let your experiences define you; define your experiences.
this viewpoint promotes resilience and empowerment – key traits in personal development – suggesting we have more control over our lives than we might initially believe.