Do what you know and perception is converted into character.
This quote suggests that when we act based on our knowledge and understanding, it shapes our character. In other words, the way we perceive the world around us and how we choose to interact with it, molds who we are as individuals. This concept is rooted in the idea that our actions are a reflection of our inner selves – what we know, believe in and value.
When Emerson says “Do what you know”,he is encouraging us to use our knowledge and wisdom in making decisions or taking actions. It’s about applying learned experiences or skills into practise rather than just storing them as mere data.
The second part of the quote “perception is converted into character” implies that how we perceive things forms an integral part of who we are – our character. Our perceptions influence how we respond to situations and people around us; these responses over time become characteristic of us, thereby forming our character.
In today’s fast-paced world where there’s a constant bombardment of information from different sources (like social media), this quote holds notable relevance. It reminds us to not blindly follow trends or popular opinion but instead make decisions based on personal understanding and knowledge.
In terms of personal development, this quote can be applied by encouraging introspection about one’s own perceptions before acting on them. As an example, if someone perceives failure as something negative they might avoid taking risks which could limit their growth opportunities. However if they change their perception towards failure viewing it as a learning experience instead then they’re more likely to take risks leading to potential growth opportunities.Moreover this concept implies that consistent actions based on positive perceptions can help shape strong admirable characters over time which can lead towards overall personal development.