What did Rajneesh mean by: A man becomes a Buddha the moment he accepts all that life brings with gratitude. - Rajneesh Spiritual leader and guru · India Copy
+ This art of participating in happiness is one of the foundations if you want to be happy. Feraz Zeid, December 14, 2023January 10, 2024, Rajneesh, Foundation, Happiness, Participation, 0 - Rajneesh Spiritual leader and guru · India
+ Darkness is the absence of light. Absences do not exist. Sin does not exist . Feraz Zeid, December 14, 2023January 10, 2024, Rajneesh, Absence, Light, Sin, 0 - Rajneesh Spiritual leader and guru · India
+ Don’t say this is good and that is bad. Drop all discrimination. Accept everything as it is. Feraz Zeid, December 14, 2023January 10, 2024, Rajneesh, Acceptance, Neutrality, 0 - Rajneesh Spiritual leader and guru · India
+ No meditation, no life. Know meditation, know life. Feraz Zeid, June 25, 2023December 12, 2023, Rajneesh, Know Me, Meditation Practice, 0 - Rajneesh Spiritual leader and guru · India
+ You cannot lose your real treasure. Feraz Zeid, August 20, 2023December 12, 2023, Rajneesh, Loser, Treasure, 0 - Rajneesh Spiritual leader and guru · India
+ Grace is a feminine quality. Feraz Zeid, July 10, 2023December 12, 2023, Rajneesh, Feminine, Grace, Quality, 0 - Rajneesh Spiritual leader and guru · India
+ Eyes which have lost their tears have lost their most beautiful, their most glorious treasure. Feraz Zeid, December 14, 2023January 10, 2024, Rajneesh, Beauty, Loss, Tears, 0 - Rajneesh Spiritual leader and guru · India
+ Love cannot be taught, it can only be caught. Feraz Zeid, September 17, 2023December 24, 2023, Rajneesh, Caught, Love, 0 - Rajneesh Spiritual leader and guru · India
There is no excess in the world so commendable as excessive gratitude. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
A person’s worth in this world is estimated according to the value he puts on himself. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
An artist can show things that other people are terrified of expressing. - Louise Bourgeois Sculptor · France
At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. - Jean Houston Scholar
Promises retain men better than services; for hope is to them a chain, and gratitude a thread. - Jean-Antoine Houdon
Gratitude is a duty which ought to be paid, but which none have a right to expect. Explain - Jean-Jacques Rousseau Philosopher · Switzerland