What did Rachel Vincent mean by: It’s not the length of the word; it’s how well you use it! Rachel Vincent Author Copy
+ There’s pressure, but that’s true no matter who you are or what you do. Author, December 14, 2023December 28, 2024, Rachel Vincent, Identity, Pressure, Universality, 0 Rachel Vincent Author
+ Marc didn’t want to win by default. He wanted to win for real. Forever. Author, December 14, 2023December 28, 2024, Rachel Vincent, Authenticity, Competition, Perseverance, 0 Rachel Vincent Author
+ I realized that I’d rather die with you than live with someone else. Author, December 14, 2023December 28, 2024, Rachel Vincent, Commitment, Love, Loyalty, 0 Rachel Vincent Author
+ I don’t have you, and without you, it feels like what I do have doesn’t matter. Author, December 14, 2023December 28, 2024, Rachel Vincent, Loneliness, Loss, Value, 0 Rachel Vincent Author
+ Whatever your weakness, there’s a hellion to exploit it. Author, June 20, 2023January 2, 2025, Rachel Vincent, Exploitation, Weakness, 0 Rachel Vincent Author
+ It was an addiction. A pointless, self-destructive addiction. But really, is there any other kind? Author, December 14, 2023December 28, 2024, Rachel Vincent, Addiction, Self-destructive, 0 Rachel Vincent Author
+ …don’t judge your future based on others’ mistakes. Author, June 6, 2023January 2, 2025, Rachel Vincent, Comparison, Future, Mistakes, 0 Rachel Vincent Author
+ If I weren’t already dead, I’d be alive with joy. Author, September 16, 2023January 2, 2025, Rachel Vincent, Death, Joy, Life, 0 Rachel Vincent Author
A fine marksman is with a second rate rifle is far more effective than the reverse. Jeff Cooper Firearms instructor and author
Values can’t just be words on a page. To be effective, they must shape action. Read explanation Jeffrey R. Immelt Business executive
And so, it’s not a thing of how many carries, but were you effective when you did carry. Franco Harris American football player