What did Publilius Syrus mean by: He is a despicable sage whose wisdom does not profit himself. - Publilius Syrus Writer · Syria Copy
When Providence favors, you can make a safe voyage on a twig. Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Publilius Syrus, Favors, Safe, Voyages, 0 - Publilius Syrus Writer · Syria
It is a bitter dose to be taught obedience after you have learned to rule. Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Publilius Syrus, Bitter, Obedience, 0 - Publilius Syrus Writer · Syria
Fortune is like glass – the brighter the glitter, the more easily broken. Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Publilius Syrus, Broken, Glasses, Glitter, 0 - Publilius Syrus Writer · Syria
A sly piece of good luck, which nobody knows of is delightful. Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Publilius Syrus, Good Luck, Pieces, 0 - Publilius Syrus Writer · Syria
Danger comes on us more speedily when we treat it with contempt. Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Publilius Syrus, Contempt, Danger, Treats, 0 - Publilius Syrus Writer · Syria
Learn to see in another’s calamity the ills which you should avoid. Explain Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 28, 2024, Publilius Syrus, Education, Failure, Happiness, 0 - Publilius Syrus Writer · Syria
Little does the sick man consult his own interests, who makes his physician his heir. Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Publilius Syrus, Physicians, Sick, 0 - Publilius Syrus Writer · Syria
A position of dignity is more easily improved upon than acquired. Feraz Zeid, December 24, 2023January 10, 2024, Publilius Syrus, Dignity, Position, 0 - Publilius Syrus Writer · Syria
O woman! thou wert fashioned to beguile: So have all sages said, all poets sung. - Jean Ingelow Poet · England
Capitalism believes that its remit is exclusively to make maximum short-term profits. - Jeremy Grantham Financier
America can no longer afford to get the Nobel Prizes while our competitors get the profits. - William J. Clinton Politician · USA
The vast sage desert undulates with almost imperceptible tides like the oceans. - Frank Waters Writer
The flame is not as bright to itself as it is to those it illuminates: so too the sage. Explain - Friedrich Nietzsche Philosopher · Germany
All my days have I grown up among the Sages and I have found naught better for a man than silence. - Gamaliel
The sage belongs to the same obsolete repertory as the virtuous maiden and the enlightened monarch. Explain - Mason Cooley Professor · USA
The true sage is not he who sees, but he who, seeing the furthest, has the deepest love for mankind. - Maurice Maeterlinck Playwright · Belgium