What did Philip Sidney mean by: A noble heart, like the sun, showeth its greatest countenance in its lowest estate. Philip Sidney Poet and courtier · England Copy
With how sad steps, O moon, thou climb’st the skies! How silently, and with how wan a face! Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Philip Sidney, Beauty, Melancholy, Nature, 0 Philip Sidney Poet and courtier · England
A brave captain is as a root, out of which, as branches, the courage of his soldiers doth spring. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Philip Sidney, Courage, Leadership, Unity, 0 Philip Sidney Poet and courtier · England
A true knight is fuller of bravery in the midst, than in the beginning of danger. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Philip Sidney, Bravery, Danger, 0 Philip Sidney Poet and courtier · England
We become willing servants to the good by the bonds their virtues lay upon us. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Philip Sidney, Servitude, Virtue, 0 Philip Sidney Poet and courtier · England
Misery and misfortune is all one; and of misfortune fortune hath only the gift. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Philip Sidney, Fortune, Misery, Misfortune, 0 Philip Sidney Poet and courtier · England
The truly great man is as apt to forgive as his power is able to revenge. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Philip Sidney, Forgiveness, Power, Revenge, 0 Philip Sidney Poet and courtier · England
Self-love is better than any gilding to make that seem gorgeous wherein ourselves be parties. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Philip Sidney, Authenticity, Beauty, Self-love, 0 Philip Sidney Poet and courtier · England
Many delight more in giving of presents than in paying their debts. Read explanation Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Philip Sidney, Generosity, Obligation, Pleasure, 0 Philip Sidney Poet and courtier · England
People always underestimate the ability of earth to increase its carrying capacity. Read explanation Charlie Munger Business person
See your disappointments as good fortune. One plan’s deflation is another’s inflation. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Statues to great men are made of the stones thrown at them in their lifetime. Jean Cocteau Artist · France
A man of the world must seem to be what he wishes to be thought. Read explanation Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France