What did Phil McGraw mean by: The difference between winners and losers is that winners do things losers don’t want to do. Phil McGraw Psychologist · USA Copy
You need to face the pain and the fear and walk through the Grief. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Phil McGraw, Fear, Grief, Pain, 0 Phil McGraw Psychologist · USA
You either get it or you don’t. Become one of those who get it. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Phil McGraw, Exclusivity, Motivation, Understanding, 0 Phil McGraw Psychologist · USA
You do not HAVE to be angry just because you have the right to be angry. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Phil McGraw, Control, Emotions, Perception, 0 Phil McGraw Psychologist · USA
I’m one of those that believes you can’t be one kind of a man and another kind of president. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Phil McGraw, Consistency, Integrity, Leadership, 0 Phil McGraw Psychologist · USA
Do you realize that you can’t play the game of life with sweaty palms? Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Phil McGraw, Confidence, Courage, Mindset, 0 Phil McGraw Psychologist · USA
You don’t need a pack of wild horses to learn how to make a sandwich. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Phil McGraw, Independence, Learning, Simplicity, 0 Phil McGraw Psychologist · USA
Life is a full-contact sport, and there’s a score up on the board. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Phil McGraw, Achievement, Competition, Struggle, 0 Phil McGraw Psychologist · USA
Loving smart means believing in you, your worth and your value. Author, December 23, 2023January 1, 2025, Phil McGraw, Belief, Love, Self-worth, 0 Phil McGraw Psychologist · USA
It’s about improving the business climate to give people a better chance of succeeding. Read explanation Jerry Moran
My goal is not to create a circumstance in which no one fails, but one in which many will succeed. Read explanation Jerry Moran
We’ve become a country that is often risk averse. That’s not the way to succeed. Read explanation Jerry Moran
I am convinced that success is not measured by what you get out of life, but by what you give back. Read explanation Jerry Moran