This quote is a stark representation of Picasso’s binary view of women, categorizing them as either goddesses or doormats. The term "goddesses" suggests women who are revered, respected, and placed on a pedestal. They are seen as powerful, independent, and commanding respect from those around them. On the other hand, "doormats" are perceived as passive, submissive, and allowing others to walk over them without resistance.
The quote reflects a simplistic, dichotomous perspective on women, which is not only reductive but also dismissive of the complexities and nuances of womanhood. It’s important to note that this viewpoint is inherently flawed as it fails to recognize the diversity of women’s experiences and identities.
In today’s world, this quote could be seen as a call to action for women to assert themselves and claim their power. It encourages women to strive for the ‘goddess’ category, to be strong, respected, and not allow themselves to be treated poorly. However, it’s critical to remember that women should not have to fit into these extreme categories to be valued.
In terms of personal development, this quote could be interpreted as a caution against allowing oneself to be treated like a ‘doormat’. It emphasizes the importance of self-respect, setting boundaries, and not tolerating disrespectful treatment. It could also serve as a reminder to recognize and appreciate the ‘goddess’ within oneself, to celebrate one’s strengths and capabilities, and to strive for empowerment.
Yet, it’s also essential to challenge such binary perspectives and acknowledge that individuals can embody a range of qualities and strengths that don’t necessarily fit into these rigid categories. Personal growth involves understanding and embracing one’s unique identity, rather than conforming to prescribed roles or stereotypes.