What did Norman Maclean mean by: …life every now and then becomes literature…as if life had been made and not happened. - Norman Maclean Professor · USA Copy
+ A river, though, has so many things to say that it is hard to know what it says to each of us. Feraz Zeid, January 2, 2024January 10, 2024, Norman Maclean, Environmental, Rivers, Water, 0 - Norman Maclean Professor · USA
+ Help is giving part of yourself to somebody who comes to accept it willingly and needs it badly. Feraz Zeid, January 2, 2024January 10, 2024, Norman Maclean, Helping, 0 - Norman Maclean Professor · USA
+ A mystery of the universe is how it has managed to survive with so much volunteer help. Feraz Zeid, January 2, 2024January 10, 2024, Norman Maclean, Helping, Mystery, Volunteer, 0 - Norman Maclean Professor · USA
+ How can a question be answered that asks a lifetime of questions. Feraz Zeid, January 2, 2024January 10, 2024, Norman Maclean, 0 - Norman Maclean Professor · USA
+ Slowly we became silent, and silence itself if an enemy to friendship. Feraz Zeid, January 2, 2024January 10, 2024, Norman Maclean, Enemy, Silence, Silent, 0 - Norman Maclean Professor · USA
+ All good things come by grace, and grace comes by art, and art does not come easy. Feraz Zeid, January 2, 2024January 10, 2024, Norman Maclean, Art, Fishing, Grace, 0 - Norman Maclean Professor · USA
+ Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. Feraz Zeid, January 2, 2024January 10, 2024, Norman Maclean, Fishing, Rivers, Running, 0 - Norman Maclean Professor · USA
+ It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us. Feraz Zeid, January 2, 2024January 10, 2024, Norman Maclean, Friendship, 0 - Norman Maclean Professor · USA
The greatest masterpiece in literature is only a dictionary out of order. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Le mensonge et les vers de tout temps sont amis. Lies and literature have always been friends. - Jean de La Fontaine Poet · France
There can be no freedom in art and literature where the government determines who shall create them. Explain - Ludwig von Mises Economist · Austria
Poverty is the only load which is the heavier the more loved ones there are to assist in bearing it. - Jean Paul Writer · Germany
I have made as much out of myself as could be made of the stuff, and no man should require more. - Jean Paul Writer · Germany
Variety of mere nothings gives more pleasure than uniformity of something. - Jean Paul Writer · Germany
I think it is a mistake to identify a movie according to its language, as if movies were literature. - Jean-Jacques Annaud Director · France