What did Nicole Hollander mean by: Cooking Tip: Wrap turkey leftovers in aluminum foil and throw them out. Nicole Hollander Cartoonist Copy
+ Getting old in America … best to do it somewhere else. Author, June 21, 2023January 2, 2025, Nicole Hollander, Aging, America, Migration, 0 Nicole Hollander Cartoonist
Dogs are joiners; if they were guys, their idea of a good time would be to attend an Elks luncheon. Author, December 28, 2023January 1, 2025, Nicole Hollander, Companionship, Leisure, Socialization, 0 Nicole Hollander Cartoonist
Art must make you laugh a little and make you a little afraid. Anything as long as it doesn’t bore. Jean Dubuffet Artist · France
Fight any instinct to be humorless, for humorlessness is the worst of all absurdities. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
I never have wit until I am below stairs. [Fr., Je n’ai jamais d’esprit qu’au bas de l’escalier.] Read explanation Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
We should laugh before being happy, for fear of dying without having laughed. Read explanation Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France