She was also an adult, and when adults fight children, adults always win.

What did Neil Gaiman mean by:

She was also an adult, and when adults fight children, adults always win.


This quote makes a poignant observation about the inherent power dynamics between adults and children. It suggests that in any conflict between the two, adults, due to their superior physical strength, emotional maturity, and societal status, will always emerge victorious. It doesn’t necessarily imply physical fights, but also intellectual, emotional, and psychological battles. The phrase ‘win’ here does not denote a positive victory but rather the unfair advantage adults have due to their age and experience.

In the context of today’s world, this quote can be seen as a critique of the systemic power imbalances that exist in our society. It highlights the vulnerability of children and their susceptibility to manipulation, control, or abuse by adults. It underscores the importance of child rights and the need for protective mechanisms to safeguard children from adult exploitation.

In terms of personal development, this quote could be a reminder for adults to be mindful of their actions and decisions, especially when they impact children. It should inspire introspection about how one uses their power and influence, whether it is for the upliftment and nurturing of the younger ones or for their subjugation. It also emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and patience in dealing with children. Adults should remember that winning against children is not a victory, but a failure to acknowledge their innocence, vulnerability, and the trust they place in adults.

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