This quote encourages individuals to passionately engage with literature they truly enjoy, and to share their enthusiasm with others, without concerning themselves with external judgments or opinions. It emphasizes the importance of personal taste and individuality in reading, suggesting that one’s personal connection with a book or an author is more important than the popular opinion or critical consensus.
The phrase "read the books you love" suggests that reading should be a personal and enjoyable experience, rather than a chore or a means to an end. It implies that the true value of reading lies in the emotional and intellectual engagement it provides, rather than in the social or cultural capital it might confer.
"Tell people about authors you like" encourages readers to share their literary passions with others. This not only helps to spread the word about good books and authors, but also fosters a sense of community among readers. It also implies that each reader’s opinion is valid and valuable, regardless of their literary background or education.
The final part of the quote, "and don’t worry about it", suggests a disregard for the judgment of others. It implies that one’s personal enjoyment of a book is more important than its critical reception or its status as a ‘classic’. It encourages readers to trust their own judgment and not to be swayed by the opinions of others.
In today’s world, this quote can be interpreted as a call to resist the influence of social media and popular culture, which often dictate what is ‘worth’ reading or liking. It encourages individuals to develop their own taste and to seek out books that genuinely interest and inspire them, rather than those that are deemed ‘important’ or ‘popular’.
From a personal development perspective, this quote encourages self-confidence and individuality. It suggests that each person’s opinion is valuable and that they should not be afraid to express it. It also emphasizes the importance of pursuing one’s own interests and passions, rather than conforming to societal expectations.