You’re spending time to save money when you should be spending money to save time.

What did Naval Ravikant mean by:

You’re spending time to save money when you should be spending money to save time.


This quote emphasizes the importance of valuing time over money. It suggests that many people often spend a lot of time trying to save money, when they could be using their money to save time instead. The underlying idea here is that time is the more valuable resource of the two. While money can always be earned back, time, once spent, is irretrievable.

The quote also suggests a shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. A scarcity mindset tends to view resources, including time and money, as limited and therefore something to be hoarded. An abundance mindset, on the other hand, views these resources as tools that can be invested to create more wealth, happiness, and fulfillment.

In today’s fast-paced world, this idea is particularly relevant. With the rise of conveniences like online shopping, food delivery, and virtual assistants, we are increasingly able to use money to buy time. For example, by paying a little extra for a meal delivery, we can save the time it would take to grocery shop, cook, and clean up. This time can then be invested in other, potentially more valuable, activities such as learning a new skill, building relationships, or simply resting and recharging.

In terms of personal development, investing money to save time can accelerate growth and progress. For instance, hiring a personal trainer or a life coach, while an upfront financial investment, can save time by providing expert guidance and avoiding trial-and-error. Similarly, paying for an online course or a book can provide valuable knowledge and insights that might take much longer to acquire otherwise.

However, it’s also important to strike a balance. Not all time-saving purchases are worth the money, and not all time spent saving money is wasted. The key is to make conscious decisions about how to best use both resources, based on one’s individual values, goals, and circumstances.

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