What did Mike Huckabee mean by: You learn to handle the big moments in life by practicing on the little ones. Mike Huckabee Politician Copy
I’m not ashamed of the things I believe and why I believe them. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mike Huckabee, Belief, Confidence, Identity, 0 Mike Huckabee Politician
+ Improved AR roads, via voter-approved tax increase. Author, June 9, 2023January 2, 2025, Mike Huckabee, Funding, Infrastructure, Public Opinion, 0 Mike Huckabee Politician
+ Vertical lift-up politics rather than horizontal left-right. Author, June 6, 2023January 2, 2025, Mike Huckabee, Progress, Unity, 0 Mike Huckabee Politician
A country needs to be able to feed itself, fuel itself, and fight for itself. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mike Huckabee, Independence, Security, Self-sufficiency, 0 Mike Huckabee Politician
No one is more important to the future of our state than our teachers. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mike Huckabee, Education, Future, Importance, 0 Mike Huckabee Politician
+ Pro-life includes improving life after birth. Author, July 22, 2023January 2, 2025, Mike Huckabee, Advocacy, Compassion, Welfare, 0 Mike Huckabee Politician
This room is a testimony that there are men who want to be a man for God and a man of God. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mike Huckabee, Masculinity, Spirituality, Testimony, 0 Mike Huckabee Politician
If consumers make better choices, the marketplace will change. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mike Huckabee, Change, Consumerism, Responsibility, 0 Mike Huckabee Politician
People always underestimate the ability of earth to increase its carrying capacity. Read explanation Charlie Munger Business person
The course of a river is almost always disapproved of by the source. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
See your disappointments as good fortune. One plan’s deflation is another’s inflation. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Statues to great men are made of the stones thrown at them in their lifetime. Jean Cocteau Artist · France