What did Mignon McLaughlin mean by: Loneliness, insomnia, and change: the fear of these is even worse than the reality. Mignon McLaughlin Writer Copy
A first-rate marriage is like a first-rate hotel: expensive, but worth it. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Investment, Quality, Worth, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
Neurotics expect you to remember all the things that they tell you, and many that they don’t. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Communication, Expectations, Memory, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
As we are human, we can’t do what we can’t do; as we’re neurotic, we can’t do what we can. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Limitations, Neurosis, Potential, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
Courage doesn’t know what’s around the corner, but goes around it anyway. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Courage, Persistence, Uncertainty, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
It must infuriate our children to see us always so much more forbearing with everybody else’s. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Favoritism, Frustration, Parenting, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
Women usually love what they buy, yet hate two-thirds of what is in their closets. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Consumerism, Fashion, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
Money: in its absence, we are coarse; in its presence, we are vulgar. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Behavior, Materialism, Wealth, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
+ If I knew why I worried so much, I wouldn’t worry. Author, June 27, 2023January 2, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Anxiety, Awareness, Uncertainty, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
Lying is the only art form that the public sanctions and instinctively prefers to reality. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Art must make you laugh a little and make you a little afraid. Anything as long as it doesn’t bore. Jean Dubuffet Artist · France
No piece of art can depict feelings if a piece of reality is not included in it. Read explanation Jean Fautrier Painter · France
Art’s only concern with the real is to abolish it, and to substitute for it a new reality Jean Rousset