What did Mignon McLaughlin mean by: It must infuriate our children to see us always so much more forbearing with everybody else’s. Mignon McLaughlin Writer Copy
We are seldom happy with what we now have, but would go to pieces if we lost any part of it. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Attachment, Desire, Fear, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
+ When hope is hungry, everything feeds it Author, October 10, 2023January 2, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Hope, Nourishment, Resilience, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
Every American child should grow up knowing a second language, preferably English. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, bilingualism, Cultural diversity, Education, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Courage, Resilience, Survival, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
The proud man can learn humility, but he will be proud of it. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Humility, Learning, Pride, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
Many who would not take the last cookie would take the last lifeboat. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Morality, Selfishness, Survival, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
Women polish the silver and water the plants and wait to be really needed. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Dependency, domesticity, Gender roles, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
I’ve been hiding from God, and I’m appalled to find how easy it is. Author, January 16, 2024January 9, 2025, Mignon McLaughlin, Guilt, Realization, Sin, 0 Mignon McLaughlin Writer
I am worn out by the insults and vexations that this work brings down on us. Jean le Rond d'Alembert Mathematician and physicist · France
For no one does life drag more disagreeably than for those who try to speed it up. Jean Paul Writer · Germany
People are fed up with something when it becomes more and more popular. Jean Paul Gaultier Fashion designer · France