What did Michael Huffington mean by: In so many things, growth comes from adversity. - Michael Huffington Businessman and politician · USA Copy
The world got side-tracked from development issues during the post-9/11 crisis period. - Jeffrey Sachs Economist · USA
The love of life, at any and every level of development, is the religious impulse. - William James Philosopher and psychologist · USA
If we desire rules to govern our spiritual development we turn back to the Sermon on the Mount. - William Jennings Bryan Lawyer and politician · USA
Our culture is teleological-it presumes purposive development and a conclusion. - William Pfaff Journalist · USA
When anyone becomes an authority, that is the end of him as far as development is concerned. - Frank Lloyd Wright Architect · USA
Development comes from within. Nature does not hurry but advances slowly. Explain - Fred Rogers Educator · USA